

The Blessing Transference

There is a unique indwelling,
of an inward Opportunity,
A chance to be a Conduit,
to help bring Unity in the Community.

A hand that reaches out,
as an example of Extension,
A good Heart that exhibits Care,
by its Illustrative Comprehension.

For to unleash the Givers Gift,
is to release another's Consideration,
& to embark upon and embrace that Journey,
Yields a Harvest of utmost Gratification.

For in Respect of your choosing to Sow,
you opened the Door to More,
So walk in and Explore,
the returned Reap in an Outpour.

All because in Affirmation,
you made the Declaration,
Opulence Protection and Unconditional Love,
over my every Situation.

And that which you spoke,
took Root in the Heart Deep,
& ushered in the Peace,
like a Good Shepherd gives the Sheep.

Bringing plenty Infinite Blessings,
Overflowing in the Galore,
So I Believe it and Receive it,
and return to you the More.

Now enlarge your Territory,
and accept your Hidden Treasure,
Name it and Claim it,
it's yours beyond Measure.

For that which is seen,
is Perceived through Perception,
And the Allocation of Prayers,
Flows in each Direction.

So therefore be Encouraged,
and Focus on being Effective,
For becoming better merits Efficiency,
by being Selective and Objective.

Because of your Credibility,
and your Endeavoring Determination,
You will always find yourself Triumphant,
just keep striving towards Transformation.

For you're definitely making an impact,
in a noticable Relativity,
And your worth has an Extreme Value,
so stay Positive in Availability.

Because you're built like a quilt,
Interwoven without Deterrence,
So your ROI comes in constant Reoccurrence,
all because of the Blessing Transference.

Inspired by and Dedicated to:
Mrs. Varonika Wilson 04/22/20

© 12 hours ago, Kevin McCray