

Left to the Wind
Had i known what the turn out would be
The past me should be able to tell
Many thought me to be autistic
I had to be making the best time of mind artistry.
Never was i uptight; so don't call me a mountaineer.

Had i known what the turn out would be.
Humbly would I have remained
Was these a means of paying me back?
I know it sounds flagrant
without no fragrance

Without no fragrance
less of love to talk about
The few that stick to me
We collide against the walls of different sensation.
Maybe the beauty of Titanic wasn't usual.
I feel so deep in the ocean now.

I feel so deep in the ocean
With a sixth sense of ogling coming from the whales.
I'll rather die an atom than sing an interlude.
Never again will i suppress that first feeling.

© Mercury foundations