

I never can tell what day will be my last,
what day I'll give my last smile and what day I'll draw my last breath.
This is why I have decided to live each day quietly and with a content-filled heart.
I try to observe what the creator has given us and what we have created too.
I listened to the birds sing, and I listened to the sound of the wind.
I listened to the voice inside my head and for once I understood how right it is, I realised how life is meant to live not just to be neglected by a person who sits on a couch watching fifteen minutes videos on social media, not meant to be wasted on superficial things.
I could die anytime but I want to know that I appreciated the work of my creator before I died.
I want to know that I said no to someone because I wanted to say no.
I want to know I did something productive and that I tried.
i want to know that I for once lived the way I wanted and not the way people say I should live.
I want to know i tasted my food and enjoyed it instead of using a movie to distract me while eating.
I want to know that I smiled at myself in the mirror and I recognised my beauty outer and inner.
I want to know that I worked out and I felt free physically and mentally.
I want to know that my room was neat and that I had fold my clothes neatly.
I want to know that I prayed to my creator and that I sat with my emotions not neglecting them.
I want to know that I didn't ruin my day pressing my phone the whole day.
And then I can die peacefully, knowing that I lived, I can then die with no regrets.
© @freya Stone