

Midnight Triumph

Ssshhh, don't make a sound,
Ssshhh, the devil is abound,
Ssshhh, stay under,
Ssshhh, stay your shudder...

In the night, every 3am this "Devil's" voice draws near,
When all are asleep, he always seeks,
I hide and pretend, under covers deep,
But he come on top of me, no restful sleep.

Beneath my sheets, he quietly slips,
No voice to cry, no strength to resist,
He uses and abuses me, I'm left with no way,
Under his control, night and day.

Supposed to be a "Father" is a source of strength and light,
But he chooses darkness, causing endless night.
Why can't my Mother, the family's light,
Protect me boldly, with all her might?

"Ssshhh, don't make a sound..
Ssshhh, I will kill this Devil, on the ground.
Ssshhh, stay under the cover of night,
Ssshhh, stay your fear, hold it tight."

Suddenly I hear my sister's hushed voice,
Silently she moved, ready to make her choice.
With her strength and might, she stood so strong,
Defeating the darkness that had held us for long.

Killing is wrong, that truth remains,
But my sister, fearless, broke those chains.
When our Mother couldn't protect and couldn't see,
My sister stepped forward, set my spirit free.

© Ember Rage