

Dear Mom,
Saying I love you is never enough..
You are the light
which my eyes always yearn to see..
You are the music
which my ears always beg me to listen
Love is no longer a word..
It is a feeling.

Dear Mom,
Truth be told,
I have begun perfecting my plans..
This I will not tell you,
because I am unsure
if I can truly make it happen..

I believe in miracles..
But never have I depended on it

One day, however.
One day,
you shall reap the seeds I have sown
As you welcome a new dawn
Mom, this is my plan for you.

One day.
One day you shall no longer worry
of names and riches..
Of hopes on survival..
Mom, this is my vision.

After years of struggle,
you shall sigh in relief
As you do the things you love
With no fear in your mind..

Your stomach shall never be hungry
As you create
all the things waiting to be created
Under a solid roof
A warm place to call

Dear Mom,
Will you have faith
in these hands
as I promise you

Because indeed..
The future is not something
that can be promised

And truth be told,
I am afraid of promises..

But rest assured, I am not alone.
On my side, I have my twin
She, too, has begun to sow her seeds
And together,
we shall reap a grand harvest!

A harvest worthy for a queen!

So dear Mom..
Please wait..
We'll get there somehow



© altairsolaris