

My body, is your living playground, to touch, to kiss, to hold, to love, to need, to want, to desire in such as, my curves, are for you, to slide down on, feeling the lines, as then, my breasts, are like the swings, hanging down, yet at times, going up and down and my hips, will also gyrate, encircling, like that of, a merry go round and my firm legs, for you, to pull on and grab, like monkey bars, being all for you, to enjoy, to use in, with the pleasure, with the passion, with all, every part, of me, including my heart, which is yours, to know, to discover, the best of me.

So now, as you take, me in your arms and we, sway, back and forth and surrender to, our emotions, walking in, the sandbox, my love, for you, is timeless, is endless, being together, until one day, past forevermore, as everyday, you build sand castles, for me, to live out, my dreams, as your queen.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs