

the worst experience... the best one
Every person has good and bad experiences. The majority of people, who have experienced the bad ones, they just take it as they are. They are ignoring the fact that everything has another side. There is always a benefit behind every bad experience. There is always a lesson. In my life, I had one. I can say that it is one of the worst experiences that may happen to a pupil. However, to be very honest, at my age now I believe that this bad experience is also the best one. In high school, the first year was probably going to be the best year ever without the foolish teacher of the French language that she thought that she was smart enough. Oh, yes! She was not so.
I was a good pupil. I was not the teachers' favorite pupil, but I was satisfied with everything I had. The exams of the second term were perfect. I worked so hard, and I had very good marks. Everything up to those moments was good. I was so proud of myself, but I never wanted or even expected to be the best student. Even if I were not it does not hurt me. I know that there were pupils who were better than me, so there was no need to lie. I was not good enough.
My high school had at the end of every term a meeting. All teachers meet at the administration with the headmaster and talk about every pupils' marks. I remember it was Tuesday. I did not have classes as the meeting was scheduled. In the morning the...