

A strong feeling that we can't control
A ghost that creeps up on us
But not when we expect it most

A feeling that comes and goes
But when it's there
It's hard to control.
You start crying without knowing the reason.

You beg
For somebody to come and comfort you
But you want nobody
Nobody to see you like this.
Nobody to know you quite like this.

They can't see behind
Behind that fake smile
Behind that exact calculated disguise

They think you are flawless.
And full of happiness
because you have everything
Everything they are missing out on

You are not allowed to feel sad.
You are not allowed to feel lonely

You have friends and family
To come and hold you
Only if you asked...
Why would loneliness be a feeling of yours?
When everything there is to desire
Is already yours

There are no people
No people close enough to really, really know you
To some, you are important
You know they won't judge you.

But you don't want to
You don't want to tell them
That behind that pretty outside
There is a lonely soul
Deep inside

You don't want them to worry about you...

You cry
You cry
But you don't know why

You just feel alone
Even though there are plenty of people
To call and talk

You close your eyes
You hug that pillow
You hug it tight, to tight
Not wanting to let go, ever

Hoping that when you
Wake up again
There is a person below you
To hold you

But when you open your eyes
Back to reality
There is nobody there.

Just you
And that feeling of loneliness
has got a strong grip on you...

© DenisTelemaris

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