

If you only knew
From the moment I saw your face,
I knew in my heart you had a place.
Before you even uttered a word,
before I even understood or heard.
I knew you're burdens where something I could bare, something I could comprehend, easily understand and befriend ..
I'm not easily scared.
I wish I was easily scared because maybe you'd feel like you need to be there, maybe that's what you feel you need.
Maybe you feel you're someone else's destiny and I'm just another admirer or star or some branch on an olive tree.
But you don't know do you,
You don't know my guarded heart.
How could you possibly?
When I wear so many masks.
I don't blame you,
I honestly don't ..
How could you possibly know ..
When I put it all on just for show, when it's all just a facade and I can litteraly become silence itself and read your heart.

© Hanan Mohamed Fouad