

Whispers of Coexistence
In the heart of the silent woods,
Where rivers hum their ancient tunes,
Nature speaks in whispered tones,
Of lives entwined, yet often lone.
The sun bestows its golden grace,
On both the tree and human face,
But where one seeks to simply be,
The other craves eternity.
Mountains stand in solemn pride,
Guardians of the earth's deep stride,
While humans climb and conquer peaks,
Seeking truths that nature speaks.
The wind, it carries tales of old,
Of harmony and hearts grown cold,
For every step a human treads,
A thousand leaves fall, silent, dead.
Yet still, a hope within the green,
A future where both can convene,
Where humans learn to gently tread,
And nature's wounds are softly fed.
In balance, peace might find its way,
To dawn a brighter, shared new day,
Where nature and the human heart,
Are nevermore to live apart.
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