

1916: The Somme
Will there be a light at the end of the tunnel,
As they lie there in the trenches of the somme.
Will there be a light at the end of the tunnel,
As they lie there waiting for what is to come.
Commands have been called to go over the top.
So the soldiers all together climb, run and stop.
But in the distance, far from the front line.
A whistle may be heard over the sounds of the scared.
Can you hear it, yes that is me.
Listen closely.
Or are them guns echoing to loud for you to notice.
Listen, can you hear me.
As the Soldiers fall everywhere you look.
There names cemented in time.
Never to be forgotten.
And never left behind.
There names will never be ignored,
As there bravery today helped to stop the war.
There names again will never rest,
As there bravery today helped to saved so much more.
But I have stop now.
And quietness has filled the air.
Minutes pass by slowly,
And the quietness becomes peace.
Where once there were noise,
now there is none.
All but me standing lonely on a hill.
Thinking about the future.
Thinking about the lost.
But more so,
Thinking about the peace amongst war.
© P.A.Nelson