

Little White Lies
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

Plenty for you and plenty for me.
Little white lies in twos and threes.
Wish for pleasure, aim to please.
Little white lies coming endlessly.
Desire riches and material things.
Little white lies with an immoral zing.
Heart lacking from a spiritual fasting.
Little white lies sneaking past me.
Star up high shining ever so free.
Little white lies unloaded blindly.
Reflection is a portrait of falsities.
Little white lies killing all integrity.
Smile at your evil complexities.
Little white lies hitting infectiously.
Existence bereft of all sincerity.
Little white lies creating marital tyranny.
Behold these crooked actions painfully.
Little white lies out to mangle me.
Serene is the feeling whenever I flee.
Little white lies unloaded unbearably.
Warmth lies within a heart full of honesty.
Little white lies divinely admonish me.