

Passion Lost
In shadows deep, my passion lies,
Bound by the chains of sorrow's guise.
Through dismal, haunted halls I tread,
Where hopes and dreams have all but fled.

The flickering candle's eerie glow,
Illuminates a heart's hollow,
Whispers of forgotten desire,
Burn like embers, consumed by fire.

No longer do vibrant colors bloom,
Only shades of gray fill this room.
Pain and anguish, a ceaseless art,
Engulf the chambers of my heart.

The symphony of life's sweet sound,
Has turned to silence, lost and drowned.
The melodies once danced on air,
Now suffocated by despair.

My muse has withered, faded away,
A barren wasteland where passions lay.
Like a raven perched upon my soul,
Its haunting caw, my most bitter toll.

Oh, how I long for days of yore,
When inspiration fervently poured.
But now I dwell in darkened haze,
Lost in this endless, dismal maze.

I beg for respite, a fleeting gleam,
A glimmer of hope, as in a dream.
Yet, the ghosts of fervor still remain,
A haunting whisper, eternal pain.

The loss of passion, a heavy weight,
A soul now burdened by this cruel fate.
In this abyss, I am forever lost,
No solace found, at such a cost.
© Brian C. Jobe