

The Country
Our Leaders have been seduced,
by the Love for Money and Power,
Hence,our future have been mortgage.

Cruel they are,for they carry out the nefarious act against their people or to be specific the Commoners.
Where Should I begin ,
Everywhere,around us,Schools,home,churches, markets etc
look around you ...what do you see?
Crises-outbreaks, Brutality,poverty,hunger, kidnapping and insecurity.
No one is safe,Your Money Cannot save you.
The Rate of Insecurity is so high,that we no longer trust
There's no longer a brother keeper.
The crises has made us live in fear,
Waves of Panic sweeps around My beloved Country Nigeria accompanied with a devastating current of dreadful horror.
Look around you,
innocent souls are brutally, violently lost on a daily basis.
mankind planted Trees of hatred, jealousy, corruptions......
well as we can see,it branches are develop and fruits it has started producing.
it is evident that we are reaping what we planted but who are the reapers?
Well.........They are the Commoners,The poor... we are left in sharkles of pains,sorrow, suffering and blood.
oh! Our Land has been bedeviled
oh! Out Land had been bedeviled by the blood of the innocent all,by the blood of the Commoners,and by the blood of her citizen.

Do our Leaders care?
They have been seduced by evil hence they are too blind to see.

I yearn for change
We yearn for change
Change in our Country
Change in our Economy
Change in our Nation
We yearn,
for liberation from the shackles of evil that has been besiege on us.

Evil lurks around no longer in the night but broad day light
To be Continued......
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