


A life well lived in times not relived.
A destiny decreed in an eternal creed.
Was all she ever wanted...

Broken hearts, she'll try to mend
Helpless beings, she'll try to fend
When all she gave was love on end
The different lives she'll try to blend
With words of truth, time will spend.

Her countless dreams, none fulfilled.
Her broken heart, loved nor lived.
On silent nights, she'll bow and pray.
On prayer mats, her tears will lay.
An eternal love, a hope someday.

Countless blessings beyond perception.
A future brights in your redemption!
She's everything with null to lose.
But everyday to wake and choose.
Was all she ever wanted...

Daily stress, she'll hardly miss.
Her aching back, run far from liss.
You'll always be, my darling bliss.
Forever be, an armor of strength-
My little happiness, till final breath.

© Paradise springs