

I find fetal screams blissful.
I hate it when the world is all quiet and peaceful.
Love it when souls are broken and suicidal.
My heart jubilates, when Death wins the battle, like it's something bridal.
I'm from the world where darkness signifies joy;
Where love and sympathy are tabooed.

I've got too much repugnance for mediation and reconciliation;
I'm all about retaliation.

I've molested kids ,tormented husbands and wives..
Had them down on their knees ,helpless, begging for their lives..
I've taken so many lives with my okapi knives ..
Drank their blood to feed my soul..
I've left families mourning and talking "hearts with holes"..

I keep my hands clean..
Men do it all for me and i be watching them suffer as their compunction gets heavier..
It infuriates me when they kneel down to pray to their "savior"..
Asking for forgiveness for their behavior ...

Used to be like y'all
I defied him once
Guess it was a blessing in disguise
Cause now I'm reigning on Earth like a true motherfucker.

©Tjebane M. B