

Used to wallow in sorrow.
Who would've thought that I'd love someone like there's no tomorrow?
Used to be a chattel to Depression.
Now I'm cronies with Ecstasy and that's beyond question;
Everyone can see it in my ink.

Too much love down my windpipe, I'm even choking.
I love the crackles in your laughter when we're joking .
Your texts and kisses got me writing metrical verses.
Your voice weakens my soul;
No wonder I gave you my heart to nurse.

Our heartbeats synchronal.
Put my steth on your heart to scrutinize and it said "Loyal".
If I were to be lost,my heart would trace me back to yours;
Theatrical isn't it?
I'm just an emotional poet who found perfection in your flaws.

©Tjebane M.B