

Congrats my dear cousin
To my dear cousin and his lovely bride,
On this special day, let love be your guide.
Congratulations on your journey as one,
May your marriage be filled with laughter and fun.

As you embark on this new chapter in life,
Remember, marriage is more than husband and wife.
It takes patience, understanding, and compromise,
But with love as your foundation, you'll rise.

Cherish each other, through thick and thin,
For true love is a treasure you both have within.
But let me offer a word of friendly advice,
To keep your love strong, don't forget to communicate and compromise.

In the days ahead, challenges may arise,
But with open hearts, you'll see through any disguise.
Support each other's dreams, and lift each other high,
And together, you'll reach for the sky.

So, here's to love, laughter, and a lifetime of bliss,
May your marriage be filled with pure happiness.
Congratulations once again, to the newlyweds so dear,
May your love story bring joy to all who are near!

© bably