

A Sisters Thwarted Hope
Little did we know,
my longing for your love,
would lead us to conflicts
rather than compliments.
At first glance i'd thought,
your glance held hope and whatnot.
So I, a mere fool thought
a woman would sought
a women better
but oh, you were bitter
stuffing your dagger like
words right out of litter.
Once again after you bled me dry
I'd thought you'd change,
to be one so considerate
who'd patiently read me,
yet impatiently she shredded &
skimmed through me
as though,
I were a book of no worth nor texture.
So, we parted ways with a hurtful feud.
The last of your efforts,
appeared to vail your rage,
in a sorry embrace.
As i was left feeling captive
in my unsaid words,
dripping essence of sorrows regret,
I wondered did I win or loose?
If I won, would I be reward a sisters warmth born from her regretting actions.
If I lost, would I regret as weakly wept in defeat?