

As I tread upon the shore’s soft sand,
My footprints linger on that timeless strand,
They tell a tale, a story yet unseen,
Of dreams pursued, a life where hope has been.

Though these marks can vanish with the tide,
Erased by waves that near the shore’s wide side,
They warn of vice, of paths that stray and bend,
Threatening to bring a fragile life to end.

But I won’t let my journey lose its way,
For I strive and thrive with purpose every day,
Each step I take, a marker on this road,
A testament to dedication’s heavy load.

Footprints… such a profound, simple word,
They echo who we are, our spirit stirred,
Reflecting the divine we seek to know,
An unbreakable bond, wherever we go.

In these imprints lies a truth profound,
That in our walk, our faith and strength are found,
We journey onward, with tomorrow’s light,
Holding fast to dreams, and to what’s right.

Click the site on my profile to read more of my poems♥️

© Nathan Andrie