

A Piece of Advice 🥂

The story of life,
Is a work in progress,
Success or strife,
You're allowed to digress.

Don't be afraid to Make Mistakes,
Fall in Love,
Go out on Dates..
Get your Heart Stolen,
It's okay if you end up Getting it Broken...
Who knows?
Out there might be someone
Secretly praying for You,
To not to be tagged as 'Taken'.

Take on the responsibilities,
And then drop it half way,
Break the predefined rules,
Cuz it's okay to disobey...

Change your Mind and then change it Again,
Good or bad, Experiences are all about Gain..

Allow your shoulders to get loaded with Duties,
In the meanwhile,
Don't forget to Award Yourself with a Gucci...

Try and be happy,
No matter what it takes,
Cuz You, my dear, are allowed to Digress...

© Chestnut_writes❤️