

Nothing is more scarier than knowing that they will be a day when you will go to be and never wake up again, never see the bright sky and starry night..

The people who said "I can't live without you",will slowly start living without you and those that said"I will always love you", will start to slowly love someone else.. Is the really an after life?? Will we really come back after a million years,will things really be the same or will this world be ruled by machine??

Those people that said"we will never forget you",your face will vividly start to fade away from their memory.. After a few years they won't even remember how you looked..

The is nothing more scarier than going to bed and knowing that this might be your last day, at least before you leave give people a reason to remember you..Fall in love once in your life, travel the world, fulfill your dreams and leave this world with a smile and a satisfactory attitude...

Everyone will eventually forget you one day,so why not do things that make you happy??

Live your life like you will never be hurt!
Smile like you will never be sad!
Trust like you will never be disappointed.!
Trust the process like you will get the best results!!..
Fulfill promises like it's the last thing you can possibly do..!!

but in all that remember to live❤️