

We all are lost somewhere ,
Trapped in rush somewhere .
Who knows ?
The true conscious .
If we spare someone to introspect so deep.
Would we ever get answers ?
As if we ? let ! people to wonder into such profound state .
As if we ? Let ! people to live so free .
It seems there is no end of this rat race.
How it started ?
When we all got into it ?
And lost into it ?
We all are wrapped into dissent & differences.
Some lost in power .
Some lost in money .
Some in lust .
Some in mediocre life.
Some lost in poverty .
Some lost in sufferings .
Everyone is lost somewhere , in order to gain as per them .
Most not aware of their life purpose.
Just living with flowing waves.
Sailing to the unknown coasts.
We are standing on the house of cards,
Filled with greed , ego & power.
Which is on the verge of colllapse.
We all are lost somewhere ,
Far away from our purpose .
Far away from our divine selves .
We are yet not awaken!
We are in a rat race to the time not defined .

#life #lifejourney #deepthoughts #trapped #spirituality

© Mridul