

Deep Blue Sea
In the deep blue sea, where mysteries reside,
Mermaids enchant with their graceful glide.
Legends of forgotten treasure, lost in time,
Shipwrecks tell tales, a haunting rhyme.

Beneath the waves, where secrets lie,
Mermaids sing songs, their voices high.
Their melodies lure sailors to their fate,
As they dance amidst the shipwreck's gate.

Among the coral reefs, treasures hide,
Glistening gold, waiting to be untied.
Pearls and jewels, a dazzling sight,
Whispering stories of pirates' might.

Shipwrecks stand as relics of the past,
Reminders of voyages that couldn't last.
Their wooden bones now home to sea,
A testament to the ocean's mystery.

So dive into the depths, explore the unknown,
Discover the wonders that lie alone.
The sea, mermaids, treasure, and shipwrecks,
A tapestry of tales, where imagination connects.
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