

Flightless bird's that can fly
No one can tell me a thing
No answers to go with
Not even one person to speak to
Nobody knows anything at all about this world,

Where the fast flying wind comes from
Where the sly sunny sun goes at eve
Where the merry moony moon sleeps at noon,

Where the answers to the Why's went,
Where the right to freedom went,
Why we are unable to fly like all birds do,

Alas we are neither birds nor from the bird family
Yet we are kept in a tough-skinned cage
A prison made of cold metal bars of rage
And a sighing old roof of regrets now our abode,

Born and christen in a grave of dead dreams
Groomed and pruned with a pair of scissors
To stop us from dreaming of the orange sun ray
To prevent us from flying into the golden sunset,

We are fed daily with sweet potatoes lies boiled in flames of deceit
We drank the bitter juice of reality till our belly knew truth and hunger
We are only few left that still leap on our broken backs that now sings
We will keep chasing the wind till our wings flap and fly into the turbulent sky to claim our future.