

Dust's Embrace
A veil of dust obscures the way,
A clouded haze that shrouds the day,
Its particles dance in the air,
A blinding dance that hides the lair.

The sun once bright now casts a glow,
Through the dusty veil, a feeble show.
The world beyond becomes a blur,
As vision fades and senses stir.

The dust, a suffocating shroud,
Dims the light and makes us bowed,
Our eyes strain to pierce the gloom,
But the dust's embrace seals our doom.

It settles on our clothes and skin,
A gritty reminder of within,
The dust, a metaphor for doubt,
That clouds our minds and keeps us out.

Fear and uncertainty take hold,
As the dust obscures what we behold.
Our dreams and hopes are lost in haze,
As the dust's embrace blocks the maze.

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© Farhat Afzal