

Pain has been the only certainty. With every laugh every love and all that's in between, pain has been the message all along, but it's the last thing that's seen. Then it's all that's left. It, you, and the lessons of life so you can start a new. What's left behind stays gone. A battle that was never meant to be won. What happens when that pain takes control? What happens when the pain gets out of control, and you lose your soul? And all you have left is the strokes of a pen upon paper. Knowing already the cries hidden within will never reach the intended, cause every other chance you were given in life has long since expended. Is it called noble to stay alive? If nearly all that makes you, you never could survive? One of many a questions I'll never come to know, my heart is broken but i see that its my time to go. It is time now for you to battle against fear. My you win once again, so I may finally disappear. I've always been yours.

© justin_ur_imagination