

Home Sapiens

You're like the goldfish, the snack that smiles back Michael Hill wants his ass smacked by his celebrity's crushes baby momma,
I'm dancing in my pajama, save your cash for the Llama, after each comma, I'll be in a coma, I win the new vacuum nuvo, guess who's blue-oh, you owe me probably stays un owed, I will move into an apartment and this abode, it's a skiddedet road, get you in the right mode, send your highest numbered code, time to be broedified, I'll read extra bonafides, the company's tokens and rides, every man does not need more than 100 women, it's to the truthed My buddy is loved, I'm stunned, we never hugged, I supposed I summed, no succumbed Michael nudged at my experience of being happy while messaging him, I'm shaving my brim, off the chart and listening to the songs played at Walmart, I don't have a black hole as a heart, I'm ready for a MD kick start, this Is not an imaginary part, time for an organization chart, I'm framing my artificial heart, jeez oh peeps man can't even do martial art! I'm unbecoming, into a grown up- and - coming, while I'm drumming the plumbing and enjoying Mt humming, I can feel what's forthcoming, bewitched, I was feeling tonight, enriched, did you hear the offer I pitched? Let's be snow buddies, I'm tired of nobodies,  tonight was also a mountain throated ease, I don't joke or tease, Im out of here jeez Laweese! 😂 I got oversized ovaries, not really just reality checking myself, why does a person choose wealth? Why is it important to keep good health? Where's the stealth? I'm tired of the misinterpreted bill of rights, I could be a doctor of public health. Micky mack sauce, looks like my boss, did one hell of a job hop toss, I'm asking the holy spirit to send me an angel, but so far got an archangel! I'm breaking up with the Kardashians, I would like to ask of another opportunity to hang with carphathians, lucky I have no copias, I have great fashionezta ideas,  and I love homo-sapiens!

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