

Tragic Lily
Lily had six husbands
The first was a dentist
Who one day was
Found with a
Hole drilled down
Into his brain
The second was a butcher
Who one day was
Found on a
Butcher block table
Carved up like a
Slaughtered pig
The third was an artist
Who one day was
Found stuffed into
A four hundred degree
Pottery kiln
The fourth was a barber
Who one day was
Found slumped in
A barber chair
Gardening scissors lodged
In his throat
The fifth was a bartender
Who one night was
Found on the sidewalk
All his limbs at
Odd angles and
His neck snapped
The sixth was a clown
Who was one day
found dead alongside
The highway a
Tire Mark on his back
Lily tried to kill her seventh
Who she thought was
A hockey player, but
He was a detective, and he
Shot her through the heart

© Annie Johnson