

>:=deep down=?<
Why I'm so talentless?!
deprived of many things.. just a mess!
all so blessed with extra dose
Then why I lacked behind?
why by god I wasn't mind?
I'm tired of fighting against
can't be happy.. Will surrend
to The Fate.. which has a fact
..cunniest of all the rest
Not complaining about the acquired talent
many are there which is just innate..
could had born with silver spoon
could had be beautiful as moon
but I have none..
Can't bring it by attempt so long!
These are the things they got
ik almighty has planned something for sure,
in the amidst of patience
getting dried out of all my essence
wanna be impervious from all affecting materials..
but I ain't one of the aliens,
like you just a Homo Sapiens.

© novella