

✫✶ Knowing When To Let Go ✶✫
When things don't work, it's hard to see
The reasons why we should be free
From what we know, from what we've done
From what we thought was number one

But sometimes change is what we need
To plant a new and fruitful seed
To grow and learn and find our way
To brighter skies and better days

So let it go, the pain and fear
The doubts that keep you stuck right here
Embrace the change, the unknown new
And see what life can bring to you

For in the end, it's not the pain
That makes us who we are again
It's how we rise, how we move on
How we find strength to carry on

So let it go, and trust in fate
In all the good that lies in wait
For you to find, for you to see
The person you were meant to be.

© @_E×oty×_