

I call to you
No reply
I’m now smaller
You ask, “Why?”

I spread joy
You don’t approve
I get lost inside
You don’t even move

I beg for peace
You turn away
I accept my fate
I no longer pray

I find myself
I do it alone
No Faith. No God.
Barely a home.

I walk quiet
You make the birds sing
I plug my ears
You make them ring

Hot and cold
The most toxic love
Unkind. Unfair.
Jealous man above.

No reason or sorry
No explaining at all
You take what you want
And laugh as I fall.

The more I hate you
The more I believe
Less and less you love me
Till I find reprieve.

In a world so quick
Life sweeping by
Satisfaction a trick

I spit your name
Like bile, makes me choke
God isn’t real
And that’s when you spoke

“Child be still
Know that I’m here
No need to fret
No need to fear.”

I laugh in your face
A figment of mind
A fracture in conscience
Ultimately flawed design.