

I know how it feels like
You wonder when it will all end
How long you are gonna pretend
How long you'll live in this painful reality
The pain already feels like eternity
I've felt the same
I've hurt in ways I can't name
I know the feeling
Like you're stuck in your lungs
You can't breathe
Your head is just too full
I used to plead for death
It felt like nothing made sense
Like I was never gonna be happy
I try
But I fall back to the depression
I try again
I didn't know how long I cried
But it felt like every time I tried
The more impossible it became to heal
Pain was the only thing my heart learnt to feel
So I know how it feels
It's like you're locked in a dark room
You don't see the light
It seems there is no way out
But give it time
Am sure the sun will shine
Am I broken?
Have I healed?
Not actually
But am working on myself
And the more I tell myself the people who hurt me aren't worth the pain
The more strength I gain
It's time to glow
Let your light show
You're a star,let the whole world know
