

They said
They said I was selfish at the age of 5 when my needs were neglected. I went to school often hungry, sick, and feeling rejected. I remember in kindergarten on Mother's Day, we had to write a paper about what our moms did for us but I could not think of anything so I threw the paper away.

Whenever mom left us alone with my dad he would sit in his chair, watching porn and pretending like we were not there. His eyes were bloodshot he was "smoking" again he beats me to the point where I wish I was dead. He tells me "don't through me under the bus." So from then on, I hush.

They told me I would grow to be a whore so at 16 I did. I wanted to love and to feel affection so I showed my body to many men over the phone thinking a prince charming would save me from the inferno I called home. I mistook lust for love and toxic as normal because that was the only life I knew. I learned my lesson as I grew but it will never erase what I've been through.

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