

Dare I wish?
I feel very undeserving
That i can see, yet can't fully enjoy sight,
That i can perceive, yet can't truly understand

That i can touch, yet feeling is far from me.
That i can ear, yet the ability to comprehend is not obtainable.

but dare I wish?

If I could make a wish, I would be,
to see your eyes and feel the ray of your smile
shinning as sun when it kisses the sky .

If I could dare to wish, it would be,
to perceive your natural scented skin and
basking in the knowing that your aliveness is real.

If only and only if I could wish, I would be,
to touch you, to hold you in a hug, to carry you in my arms and in my heart. to feel your pulses and rejoice.

but I dare not wish, I could be,
wanted for chasing after something
in the wrong direction even when i hear you.