

As THEY stood slightly tilted in sequence facing downhill
The air flowed upwards circulating lifting And ascending
The wind was gusting uphill and warm rays of light gathered above
As THEY stood slightly tilted in sequence facing downhill

THEY stood still unlike the air
With dimmed site,clouded are THEY
THEY would increase speed rolling to down below
The air would thicken deeper THEY go
Why was south so easy a way
THEY are forgotten souls of yesterday
THEY stood still unlike the air
With dimmed site,clouded are THEY

THEY mechanically all turned in a line
With points of there pointy noses turned upwards facing the sun
Above the air was free and clean
THEY are cold,no glimmering light beams in sight
THEY wished to warm there noses as there lips kissed the light
THEY couldn't roll uphill with ease
THEY would have to get down and crawl on there knees
THEY mechanically all turned in a line
With points of there pointy noses turned upwards facing the sun

THEY stood oblivious
Lost between up and down
There gaze stuck sideways
In the darkness of the night THEY couldn't see
The air dingy and brown., not clean and free
Caught in the middle between now and then
THEY stood oblivious
Lost between up and down

Stirring inside ONE kneeled down
ONE extended to the light and falls to the lighted ground
The narrow path seen begins to widen
Clear and awake are ONES former cloudy thoughts
The fog below thickens so till below is gone
Stirring inside ONE kneeled down
ONE extended to the light and falls to the ground

THEY stood in parallel all staring at ONE
Confused at what ONE had done
Part of of THEY had broken the stare
THEY all mechanically turned downhill took that way
THEY looked at ONE and laughed at ONE'S uphill heavy load
THEY dropped and rolled downward away
THEY stood in parallel all staring at ONE
Confused at what ONE had done

THEY below couldn't see
THEY below were not free
THEY all stood together in the cold
ThEY wondered where ONE could be
THEY oblivious of there easy way just stood there waiting
Waiting on something to become
THEY below couldn't see
THEY below were not free

ONE up above THEY below
ONE shined down on THEY a radiant glow
THEY took ONE'S shine and began to ascend
THEY reached the very tip top above there begin
THEY starred at ONE all alone
THEY wondered why ONE was not like all of them
ONE up above THEY below
ONE shined down on they a radiant glow

ONE helped THEY rise out the dark and into the light
THEY helped ONE become many like THEY again
Clearer now THEY can see more than light
Freely THEY recieved, freely THEY give
Altogether THEY in uniform looked about
ONE was consumed by THEY, ONE would never be found

THEY stood staring at the many THEY were
THEY fell into many ONE's
All the ONES became many in time
time went on and on until the day the many ONE'S became THEY
No lesson learned or over time forgotten
They all looked downward at the easier way
Uniformray THEY once again rolled

**NOTE:: notice the words they and one**
© Rebel Reaper