

World in Chaos
War and death begets more of this
No peace in the Middle East
Colonial powers playing chess
War machines and imperial beasts
No one wins
Only loss it brings

The industry of deadly weaponry
Is not meant to set us free
It feeds both sides of every conflict
To feed the energy of greed
Never ends
Only pretends

Every corner of the world at large
Is affected by imperialistic desire
To conquer and remain in charge
By setting parts of the world on fire
Until it bleeds
Death it breeds

We are all one in the same body
All made of flesh, dirt and flowers
We should be a unified army
Against these oppressive powers
Of malice
And sadness

The USA, Russia, Israel, China
European colonialism
American born imperialism
Brought to its knees is the mission
When we embrace humanistic communism

© The Black Lotus

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