

As I lay dying

Often, I ponder why,
why was I put on this earth.
Failure, is what I used to relate to.
I could not find any self worth.

Alone and abandoned I felt inside.
Every day, I wished that I had died.
They would all be better off without me.
A broken spirit, I had no pride.

Then came the day, I was pierced by a blade.
Blood flowed from my body like a siv.
My lung filled with blood, my breathing....shallow.
I fought like hell to live.

As I took my last breath and died.
A single teardrop fell from my eye.
Do I fight or let go? I had to decide.
I never got to say goodbye.

I could not let it end this way.
With all my might, I started to breathe again on my own.
I was not going to die today.
I had too many reasons to stay.

Like a phoenix, from the ashes I rose.
I returned to my body, reborn.
Understanding that life, was what I chose.
Never to look at life the same again.

The things that seemed important before.
Were now trivial and unimportant.
A new found appreciation left me wanting more.
I learned a lot, when I was at deaths door.

I love the way the air tastes when I breathe.
I adore the sunshine on my face.
And all the little things, that before I could not conceive.
Are now most precious to me.

Although, my life is not perfect today.
Now I find things that are perfect to me.
I wanted to live, I chose to stay.
I once was a blind man, but I learned to see.

© James L. Babcock Jr

this is a true story, on 12/20/22 I was stabbed in the back while trying to stop a fight and save someones life. I was stabbed through my ribs into my spleen, diaphragm and lower left lung. I died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, but started breathing again on my own. My life isnt perfect today, by any means. But there are a lot of things that are perfect in life. cherish the little things. they make living worth while.