

what do you then...
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...
what do you do then
when dreams scratch your wounded soul
leaving thoughts that turns into a nightmare
you twist, turn and try your hardest to close your eyes and just fall asleep but you can't
what do you do then..
when the world is quite and asleep
there you are raising your own demons
that keep you awake all night
you want them to leave you but you don't let them go
its the misery that you grow inside and let it completely strangle you till you suffocate and rush for air to breathe..
Its easy to say let go, cry it out but its not
it needs mountains of courage even to just just cry it out...
and when you realise this you find yourself loving your own suffering and you never wanna let them go so
what do you do then...