

The Standard Kiss
A digital kiss?? Has it come to this?
We are POETS! We suck the marrow from life, we steal the forbidden fruit, pluck it from the wilderness, juices running down our grinning chins when we bite down, starved for the Truth,
the sun burning our naked backs...
We are ancient beings!

Digital kisses are for mere mortals.
Give me your raw, wet tongue, bite my lip just hard enough to draw a bead of blood, we are the word-vampires that stalk the page.
Let my soul plummet into the peaceful ponds of eternity that I see in your half-closed, dazed-in-love eyes,
I want to drown in them and never return to sanity, make me a GOD with your devil-mouth...
Don't tease me digitally...
Come here and kiss me!!
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