

And sunset is a term used,
But understood little.
Because it carries,
A meaning more deep,
Than comprehends the mind.
Than meets the eye.

And sunset teaches me,
More lessons,
Than mortal man can teach.
It reminds me,
Of lessons more pleasant,
And important,
And linked to my life.

I have learnt to watch the sun set,
In order to know peace.
I have learnt to know peace,
In order to get about life.
And that's what there is,
About sunsets.

The sun sets,
When a loved one dies.
The sun sets,
When you cannot feel,
The nearness of your success.
The sun sets,
When you cannot have enough,
Of this worlds chastenings.
The sun sets,
When you cannot see your worth.

I have learnt to watch the sun set,
Because I find a sweet serene mentality,
In watching the sun set.
I have come to love to watch the sun,
Set to the far western horizon,
Because it confirms to me,
That there is an end to my problems.

And yes,
The sun sets,
And your problems cease.
The sun sets,
And you gather new hope.
The sun sets,
And you await new blessings.
The sun sets,
And you find new friends.
Perhaps the ones linked to your destiny.

There are far more blessings,
In watching the sun set,
Than seeing it rise.
There are equally far more blessings,
In watching the sun rise.
But I love to watch the sun set,
Than to watch the sun rise.
Because I love to see the golden sun,
Glide softly down the horizon...,
And reflect its rays on my shadow.
Because it brings a totally,
Different reflection of my image,
Than the one I have known.

I love to watch the sun set,
Than to watch it rise.
Because my life,
Seems to follow sunsets.
My shadow,
Seems to follow sunsets.
Sunsets trigger off,
The real person out of me.
And I celebrate her,
Because I anticipate alot,
From sunsets.
I love to watch the sun set.
I am watching the sun set.
