

A world without love is like
Walking through days with no driving force
On a crowded path with faceless, nameless people
Surrounded by leafless trees and colourless flowers with no scent
Birds that don't sing and wind that stands still

Daytime and nighttime refusing to give way for each other
Neither is there summer nor winter
No word like friend or foe as there are no interaction
Everyone appears to be just shadows to one another

Music is unknown and stories never existed
Words aren't needed and emotions are alien
We might not even know when death strikes
Death isn't feared nor revered

A world without love is an endless cycle of depreciation
The dark holds no fear of beasts nor the light ecstasy of angels
We all move, totally blind and deaf to all
A hopeless cause to one another

We merely exist in a world with no emotion
But, with love, comes an infusion of euphoria
With love, also, comes hate
But, at least, now we all feel something.

© Simmy