

My highschool days
Forget all if my life says,
I can all, except my high school days.

Wandering outside the nasty gate to collect our company,
Of course all the essential chores to be done early.

To see your confederate in the queue of latecomers,
And their desperate eyes as orphans and leftovers.

That incessant address of Deen and the sun,
Cursing the personnel as it made us burn.

First class-the Chemistry,oh such a misery,
Bunk-Ahh refuge,in the tunnel or under a tree.

Always on the back bench,we sang and created mischief,
Alas! All those days can not be retrieved.

That cafeteria and appetising odor of food being fried,
We snatching stuff, making hue and cries.

His dirty appron and that metal shed,
Rain dripping all through it into the food we held.

Run! We've a serious affair to discuss,
Where we spent time?Class or washroom shelves?

Dawdling in the corridors here and there,
Peeping in through the windows and pushing boys out there.

Mocking the faculty, creating huge mess,
Shouting and calling out-we are no less.

Made stand outside the office for someone's jiggery-pokery,
We proud! We adorning the history.

I cherish every memory we made,
Perhaps we knew, soon it will all fade.