

As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister, as perception into the judgement sinister implies... the letter wrapped in mystery to the woldly eye lay hidden as letters and language that human beings "suddenly" fully develop... but alas these worldly things are effect and not cause.
As these lovely things attendded within myself bloom as all gardens must then these messages of yourself for yourself are reflected all about you be ye mindful of the yarns that as woven of our mouth and story spun become the clothing you must wear, as only one God has one law. that which you put your attention on grows...
God nondescript, even unable to be articulated by feeble textual symbols arragend in formations of endless grey recognition ... imagination has no such human boundries as it is alive within you seek and find Christ

kowing self as cause is only the begining of awakening

John Metaphysical Tvrz Theater

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