

“ Differently Happened ”

If the beguiling fate made me on control,
I would've enjoyed my youthful days more.

If only I can fastforward ahead this present,
I could've prepared for the disappointment.

If the time only froze when everyone's smiling,
I would've cherish them before they went disappearing.

T'was when I had to meet death's doorsteps.
Such brink moment was clueless.

What if my thread had severed then?
Such thoughts consistently undulate me
As if adorning my head to keep it intact.

Countless scenes rolled down like a film,
Flashes of death's claws drag me away.
With a wicked smile telling :
"You'll only die at the end."

Nevertheless part of me strangely anticipate.
If I did , would I feel differently from now?

If I were to reborn on another time,
Does it make me at ease, or at worst?

If I hadn't been gluttonous for knowledge,
I should've stayed innocent, yet foolish.

If I acquired passion in earliest time,
I wouldn't have loved myself and shine.

If only I freed the words that I so long
I shouldn't have be remorseful about all instead.

If only our ancestors also procured what is right,
Everything weren't so much of a fright.

Thus at point, I'll be wondering :
That futilely, it happened differently.

© jyannu

#poetry #life #thoughts #writing #writco