

how worth am I ?
oh!awesome one
with all your glory and beauty on your thrown
yet your heart longs for I
that you leaveth everything behind
just to save lost souls
oh!great one
am not even worthy to touch your feet,
the entire world is your footstool,
despite I being dressed in sin
yet am blameless before your eyes,
if you wanted,
you could have wiped the earth with a snap of a finger,
yet you took away my sins and gave me your spiritual garment,
dying for the sins I did,
oh !holy one
as though it wasn't enough,
you got the keys to my victory,
without anything in return,
just to love you and see the world through your eyes,
oh! big one
the earth can't contain you
yet you chose to live within me,
am humbled,
till forever I am yours!
© mariahashei