


© aloine-racheal
When asked what the street life is
I say, I lived in the ghetto
Where life was undeniably crazy
Judged by your breath and appearance
Strive to get a name
Beaten to strive harder.

Sluggishness was not permitted
Else you'll get hurt till you wisen up
Rough features were the face of the men
Hard and tough beauty owned the women.

Everyone was your enemy
And everyone was your friend
Calculating your points of defense
Backing it up with violence.

No one knew their reason for living this type of life
All we're aware of is us being thrown into this world bitterly and aggressively
I didn't choose this world
No time to cry, no time to think, no time for questioning
Fight life with what you have, give it what it gave you
Reciprocate it all, not living a single one out.

Over the years, I learnt to give everyone
a taste of their own medicine, bite of their hatred and drink if their madness
Never once did I have a rethink on how I was going to leave this word
Corpses were brought, lives were lost
Yet, it was do it or die, there was no where to turn to.

All I know is that I'm waiting
Yes I'm waiting for my turn
How would it be, how pathetic would it look like
Still unaware of everything
But I know the deeper you go into it
The darker and shadier it becomes.

Life in the street
An aggressive and dirty life to imagine
Goes beyond what you see and what you think.
But how see it, think about it and live in it
It might not be necessary to live in the street
For you to be tied down there but the connection you already have with them.

Never forget that the deeper you venture into it, the darker it is, so dark that you can't find that glimmer of light again, never again.

I lived in it, I've been through it
I know how it feels but now
I've found my self in this dark place
No memory of how I got into this world
No memory of how I left.

I know one day, it's gonna come to an end
No more targeting, no more being the targeted
No more judgemental elites, no more hatred
I can tell surely, I can tell it's all coming to an end
One day, just.. one day.