

Discussion at Night
As I stare at the ceiling
I can’t help but wonder,
What these thoughts are
And over them I ponder.

Events of the days
Are vaguely becoming dreams,
But as night falls
All become much more than it seems.

As I sit in my moonlit room
I feel embraced by the darkness,
As I feel welcomed by the shadows
As they welcome me to the abyss.

The wind howls
Offering its greetings,
In the mirrors our reflections smile gleefully
As we begin our meeting.

For I can consult my friends
Only at night,
Where we shadows talk
Of the day’s unbearable light.

Others see us as abnormalities
For we who dwell in the shadows,
We talk of the meaning of normal
About who leads and who follows.

We who are misunderstood
We who know not of the worlds norms,
For they know not
Of us shadows and our many forms.

They say the dark is feared
Because they do not understand,
But we who find solace in the dark
Walk through the abyss hand in hand.

In the day we play the fool
Who seems happy and gay,
Yet beneath our props and masks
We feel a different way.

Such things we talk about when
We sit upon our mats at night,
Where we can admire the pale moon
and the starlit sky.

© KJ Petaia