

“The Deathbed"
A world so tiny and cosy,
It has confined me for few arduous years.
Here I have greet the dawn in its majesty
And the evening with tears.
Here I have cheered with the morning birds,
Resonating in voices only they'd understand.
Here I have smelled the summer's dirt
And heard the rivers run.
But this cold winter's night has awaken a distant memory,
Radiant skin in cheerful dress;
Maa would say, "You belong in the Chrisimas gallery!"
Ah, what could I not do to cleanse this mess?
These nights I have spent alone, but not lonely.
I'd cast my weary shadow on the wall,
My companion whom I talked with fondly
Until I tire myself out and fall.

But this fateful night I will try to remember;
The window that faced the north
Laid open in serene temper,
Of the night and my drained thoughts.
Half asleep, I lift my heavy brows;
My constant endeavour to avoid Nirvana for now.
I could see the distant row of canopies,
It spread across a sad terrain
And behind it was the wistful silver pearl.
As though a final feat of an artiste
Who decided to stain his final canvas thereupon.
I felt it calling my spirit
To take me beyond that misty mountain-
Where I abandon my shadow amongst those frith,
Where youth shoots off the fountain,
Where ailment has fresh evidence of salubrity.
My feeble body could seldom tell
If this a delusion that possessed my rationale
From years of medication that has enslave my cells
Or to satisfy my crave for a benign tale!

Suddenly, I felt a tremor in my bone!
My scream, they're lost to the unforgiving night.
I laid there lifeless, all alone-
Maimed and bereft of any fight.
"If my time has come..." I wailed,"Let me say my farewell"
But I wasn't ready, nor was death, not yet.
"Just one more summer day", I thought to myself,
"To wake up to dawn with the songbirds and watch the sunrise for one last time,
As it carelessly spill it's yellowish luminescent
All over the place and my body.
Oh, how my spirit ache to live in these borrowed times!
The daylight would fill my skin with radiance;
Once again, my eyes they'd sparkle
Two more among the constellation of serenity.
I could write a contented poetry of love and peace
Then and there, I'd have lived my life worthwhile.
.....just one more summer day" I cried incessantly!