

Celebrate me while I'm still alive.
Celebrate me while I still breathe
Celebrate me while I can still hear you speak
Celebrate me while I can still smile
Celebrate me while I can still walk
Celebrate me while I'm still close

A time will come when none of these will matter to me
A time will come when I will be as cold as a frozen fish
A time will come when all you do really don't matter
A time will come when you wish I'm here to listen to those loving words
A time will come when earth losses a soul and heaven gain me
A time will come when an old chapter is closed and a new chapter is flipped open
A time will come when you wished you could turn the hand of the clock

When I am gone I want to be remembered by the legacies and the lives I impacted through my work.

So my friends we are just getting started,I will continue to Pen down my thoughts,cos they will become the lense the world will see through my heart.


© the signature graceJ